Win this wine  basket with 3 local wines and give it as a gift this holiday season or enjoy it yourself. 
Included in this gift are:

Three Bottles of Local Wines from Surface Creek and North Fork Valley

Chill Switch—Tempranillo Aquilla Cellars—Marcellina Stoney Mesa—Gewurztraminer 

Two Glasses, Charcuterie Board, Napkins 
Wine, A Loaf of Bread and . . . 

Picnic Wine Carrier, Two Plastic Glasses, Two Cloth Napkins,  Wine Opener, Stoppers,  Stoney Mesa Rojo Del Mesa 

The Perfect Gift!

Thank you for your generous donation, Linda Lichtendahl.

Local Wine Basket The Perfect Gift

Item #41

$110 - 7 bids

Minimum Bid Increment:




Donated By:

Linda Lichtendahl